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A simple project that uses the Pi's internal GPU to render a Mandelbrot fractal


This is a simple CMake project that renders a Mandelbrot fractal to demonstrate hardware-accelerated computing on the Raspberry Pi. It uses QPULib (a library that accelerates computation on the Raspberry Pi by executing code on the Pi’s GPU) and SFML (for graphics). While this project is intended to be run on a Raspberry Pi, it also runs natively on other devices running Windows or Linux, just without hardware-accelerated Mandelbrot rendering.

This project also serves as a template for future projects

Try me!

This code has been tested on devices running Ubuntu, Windows 10, and Raspbian Buster. You can use it too:


Open this project as a CMake project in Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code. CMake comes with the Desktop Development with C++ workload in Visual Studio, but you will have to install CMake from its website an get the CMake extension in Visual Studio Code.

To build the project, use the build button in Visual Studio, or use the CMake commands or CMake GUI, then make.

Ubuntu and Raspbian (and other Linux-based systems)

You will need C++, Make, and CMake. Install them with your package manager. In Ubuntu and Raspbian, install them with apt:

sudo apt-get install g++ make cmake
  1. Then navigate to your project directory: cd <path_to_project_root_folder>/

  2. Generate Makefiles from the CMake scripts: cmake .

  3. Build the project with the Makefiles: make